Ana Luísa, 03/07/2012
Hello! Tava sumidinha né? Foi por bons motivos ;x hahahahaha. Esse final de semana foi loucura, sem mais. Vou tentar ficar aqui essa madrugada SE A INTERNET DEIXAR e repetindo o post. Não liguem se as bordas forem diferentes, tenho poucas fotos editadas pra esse look. Blair: We"re never going to be them. You said so, remember? It"s not for us.
Chuck: Maybe. But I wouldn"t change us. Not if it meant losing what we have.
Blair: And what do we have, Chuck? You tell me.
Chuck: Tonight. So shut up, and dance with me.
Season 2, episode 12

Chuck: Maybe. But I wouldn"t change us. Not if it meant losing what we have.
Blair: And what do we have, Chuck? You tell me.
Chuck: Tonight. So shut up, and dance with me.
Season 2, episode 12