« Anterior 27/07/2012 - 15:00 Próxima »


Words, don"t come easy, to me,
how can I find a way,
to make you see,
I love you
words don"t come easy

Words, don"t come easy, to me,
this is the only way,
for me to say
I love you
words don"t come easy

Well I"m just a music man,
melodie "s so far my best friend
but my words are coming out wrong
I reveal my heart to you and,
hope that you"ll believe it"s true, "cause

Words, don"t come easy to me,
how can I find a way,
to make you see,
I love you,
words don"t come easy

This is just a simple song,
that I"ve made for you on my own,
there"s no hidden meaning, you know when I
when I say I love you honey,
please believe I really do, "cause

Words, don"t come easy to me,
how can I find a way,
to make you see,
I love you,
words don"t come easy

It isn"t easy,
words don"t come easy....

Words, don"t come easy, to me,
how can I find a way,
to make you see,
I love you,
words don"t come easy

Don"t come easy to me,
this is the only way,
for me to say,
I love you,
words don"t come easy


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