Usually I come in and sit down at roundtables in America and they look at me like ‘what is wrong with you?’ Just because I don’t fit…nobody fits into the frame that typical Hollywood young actresses do, but they try to. They try to be this thing. Try to memorize answers and make everybody happy. That’s so horrifying and scary to me. So when you’re not that, you get criticized for it. You get criticized for being honest and criticized for being nervous. So that’s kind of annoying. I do a whole day of press and then I get calls from publicity people that are like, ‘you might want to be a little bit more bubbly’. And I’m like, ‘no’. People get very upset in the States. It’s weird. Fans of the book especially. They don’t understand me. Which is fine. I guess it doesn’t really matter who I am, it just matters that they like the movie.beijoos N U U H :*