« Anterior 21/12/2012 - 15:31 Próxima »
I do not know what to say! it is like a box of surprises, everyday we learn something new about @cacelico!I think that this dress is a bit too short. so what do you think?


Angelina em 21/12/2012 às 16:56 disse:
No, it"s not too short. She can wear everything..she is not a girl anymore but a real woman. I think she changed a lot in the past two years but now she finally seems very confident..now we can see the real Carol ! Nowadays she is very interested into fashion - and i like it

/kakacara em 21/12/2012 às 17:40 disse:
yes you"re right, I love her very much, and I love her style!she is looking great.thanks for the comment.

/fcdapaulasfernandes em 21/12/2012 às 23:55 disse:
Esses peitos tem fotoshop....

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São Paulo - SP

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